Dogs and cats that have undergone the amputation of a limb adapt wonderfully well, but the other muscles and joints are under additional stress and strain as
they compensate for the missing limb. Massage can help ease the tension in those muscles and joints, keeping them healthier and more flexible.
Dogs and cats that have other special needs, such as the loss of hearing or diminishing eyesight, can benefit from massage. The gentle touch and attention to
their bodies can help reduce stress and give them a sense of physical and psychological well-being.
The shy, adopted or anxious dog. These dogs with a history of receiving negative attention or lack of attention often show great changes in their spirit when
they receive massage. Massage can improve your connection with your companion and help them to develop confidence. It can improve the level of comfort that
your companion is experiencing when they are touched in a loving and kind manor through massage techniques. I personally experienced transformations on the
animals I massaged at the Lucy Mackenzie Humane Society and the director and staff observed a noticeable change in the behavior of the animals that received
massage. Consistently providing massage for the anxious, shy or adopted companion can help desensitize them, improving the bond and connection you have
with them.
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